The fifth series of Red Dwarf first aired in 1992, and is often thought to be one of the best series of the Sci-Fi TV Comedy.
Red Dwarf Series 5
Red Dwarf Full Script Series 5 Episode 6 Back to Reality
In the sixth and final episode of the 5th series of Red Dwarf, the crew find that they might have been part of a simulation game – and one they were not very good at!
Red Dwarf Full Script Series 5 Episode 5 Demons and Angels
The Red Dwarf crew generate two extreme alter-egos good and bad using a device called the Triplicator. The High and Low versions of the Boys from the dwarf lead to some hilarious scenes!
Red Dwarf Full Script Series 5 Episode 4 Quarantine
Rimmer puts the rest of the Red Dwarf crew in Quarantine, but starts to turn a little peculiar himself. And what’s with the Gingham dress?
Red Dwarf Full Script Series 5 Episode 3 Terrorform
Rimmer encounters a self-loathing beast, and finds himself manacled, oiled, and concerned that somethings may be jammed up where only customs men dare to probe!
Red Dwarf Full Script Series 5 Episode 2 The Inquisitor
It looks like the Boys from the Dwarf are in trouble when they bump into the Inquisitor who travels through space and time erasing and replacing the unworthy.
Red Dwarf Full Script Series 5 Episode 1 Holoship
Rimmer gets a chance to join the crew of an advanced holoship, but has to do something about his IQ. Then, he’s faced with a difficult decision. Would Rimmer sacrifice his onw happiness for someone else?